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Family Lawyers Gold Coast

45+ years of Experience

Do you have a complex family law issue that may seem impossible to solve? Family legal issues are one of the biggest stressors in life, so if you are feeling overwhelmed, defeated or just completely exhausted, let us help take the weight off your shoulders and define a clear path forward for you and your loved ones.

We are experts in family law and have your back. 

We Have Your Back

Every family legal issue is sensitive & emotional. That's why we are here to defend your rights when you feel most vulnerable. So you feel supported and comfortable with our team.

Experts in Family Law

45+ year experience in a wide variety of family law issues. You can rest assured knowing you have seen it all and know what the next steps are.

Childs Best Interests

Whether it is child custody, parental arrangements for children or domestic violence. We look out for the child's best interest.

Here are a few of our family law services

Divorce applications

Separation advice

Child support


Domestic violence

Parental disputes

Financial agreements

Property settlement

Spousal maintenance

De facto relationships

Hidden assets


Court proceedings

Property settlement

Separation advice

Prenuptial agreements

Child / family abuse

Contravention orders

Estate planning

Property protection


Divorce Lawyer on the Gold Coast

Thinking about or in the midst of a divorce? It doesn't need to be an emotionally draining process. So if you are looking for a Divorce Lawyer on the Gold Coast to lay out the steps in front of you and what action you need to take, Chan Lawyers is here to support you.

No matter the reason for a Divorce, Australia operates a no-fault divorce system. This means that the court doesn't really take into account the reason, nor does it determine if either the Husband or Wife is at fault. The only basis for obtaining a divorce in Australia is that the two parties have been apart for a year and a day.

If you are looking for expert divorce lawyers on the Gold Coast we are situated in Surface Paradise and look forward to assisting you no matter what stage you are at in the process.

How our Family Law process works

Step 1: Listen

The first step for any family legal matter is to fully understand your circumstances so we can see how the legal system applies. This is a completely confidential and professional process that equips us with the information needed to defend your rights.

Step 2: Research

During this phase we take an objective look at the information you provided and see how the current legal presidencies apply. Not only do we look at the written law, we examine previous cases within the family court system.

Step 3: Strategise 

After we have done our research we can them formulate a clear strategy and a path to the best outcomes possible for you even in the most complex family law related matters.

Step 4: Provide Backup

In this step, we stand and speak on your behalf in either private discussions or in the Family Court room. This takes a lot of pressure off your shoulders during this usually emotionally charged period of time.

Step 5: Serve Papers

If we need to serve third parties with papers on your behalf we can do that quickly and efficiently

Step 6: Negotiate for you

In this step, we negotiate with opposing council to deliver the best possible result on your behalf. You can trust Chan Layers to find the best pathway for your Family Law matter. 

Why Choose Chan Lawyers?

We care about cultivating a relationship founded on trust for all our clients. We aren't a large firm which looses touch with the individual needs of our clients, nor are we a small firm which focuses on just a few small area's of law. We are just the right size for you.

We offer highly individualised services for all Family Law matters on the Gold Coast.

Don't wait any longer, request an appointment today

We look forward to speaking with you.

Get the right advice from the beginning and let us guide you to a positive outcome. It all starts with an initial appointment. 

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